Tuesday, May 13, 2008


It's been pretty boring at work. I mean, I have been busy as hell but nothing has happened to report on.

The usual yapping, the usual...well yapping.

These ladies talk a lot, I mean a lot. They ask me all the time if they drive me nuts. The answer? Well of course they do. I can tune them out but, with someone like Fern, you do not tune her out, it's just impossible.

The black hole's wife had a child the other day. Cheryl asked if Nancy was going to have the company send flowers. Now, I do not think it's Nancy's job to be the official "send flowers" person but, with what Cheryl said next I overlooked that. After asking and getting a luke-warm response she countered with:

"Nancy only does things like that when the person is important to her."

As you may have guessed, that made my day. Sure it's not Nancy's job or duty to arrange all that crap but still, it was classic. Is Cheryl right? I think to a certain extent she is.

The bad part about all this is that this is the extent of the infighting. I wish there was more, you wish there was more. There just is not.

Tomorrow I will try and stir something up and get some better stories!!!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Black Hole

I work fast, I work very fast. I do not waste time, when I am working each action I make is a movement of progress to finish what I am working on.

I am one extreme but, there is a flip side to that coin.

The black hole.

If he heads into your office you know he is staying put for a solid hour. No matter what the situation, no matter how simple or complicated, the ensuing discussion will last no less than an hour.

We have a black hole at work, I think all offices have at least one. I once spent twenty minutes trying to explain something to him that was so simple, so basic yet, it was no getting through to him while he went through his thought process.

I do understand the idea that thinking through things to get the best possible solution is ideal for all involved. I just feel that if we figure out that 1+1=2 we do not need to break out oranges or an abacus to quadruple check the answer.

Now, do not get me wrong, black holes are not dumb or stupid, they are usually pretty smart. They just are not quick at becoming comfortable with the issues at hand.

It has come to the point where it pains me to deal with our black hole, it's a bad situation since he is semi-higher up in the company and we work in the same area. I just hope the pain in my face is not evident when he swings by my cubicle.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


So, yesterday, my boss had to go home early because her stomach was bothering her. Today, she's back and feeling better. But, if that was all that happened there would not be a blog posting, would there?

I am sitting at my desk, working, I swear, when Fern pops into my boss's office, which is right across from me. Now, remember, we are at work, we are not at home, there are certain things I really do not care to hear from people that are not in my immediate family. But, without a care in the world, Fern lets out with this story:

Fern: You feeling better?

Boss: Yes, thank you

Fern: I remember this one time I had diarrhea and I was driving home and my leg started to go numb...I finally made it home and to make a long story short...

If I was to ever say anything like that to anyone, much less someone I work with, I would die.

Now, you could say that maybe that are close friends and I would say no, they are not, my boss just started four months ago.

Not only is Fern telling this to a someone that is not a close friend or relative, she's telling this in a manner that people in the general vicinity can hear!!!

The sad/annoying/gross thing about this is that it is not all that uncommon to hear stories like this. I am just telling the one I remember but will hopefully block out.
